Wednesday, February 6, 2008

An update

It's been a while since my last post, this could either be interpreted as an extremly good thing or something worriesome. Fortunately I consider it a good thing. Things have been steady for me, no chest infections no flares up, no feelings of depression or need to get any horrible thoughts down on the page. Everything is ok. Also my absence could possibly have meant I was ill which is not the case, just extremely active and busy.

I have resigned from my full time job at the radio station to pursue an opportunity working part time at a magazine as a journalist, which is really exciting for me. I am also returning to uni this year for a few night classes to complete my post graduate studies in Journalism.

It turned out that my sinus surgury needed to be postponed due to work committments and I still haven't gone in for the operation. Luckily I have only had a few minor problems with the nostrils over the last few months. I am now having the surgury on the 26th Feb. Will blog about how it goes as I will need to be admitted for several days in the lead up to the surgurgy to make sure my health is good, reducing any risk of infection. I find being stuck in hospital is enough inspiration for me to write.

One thing I am very happy about right now is the wonderful people I have in my life. I cherish my friendships of those I see often and those that live far away but are atll very close to me. Without them life would be very different through my eyes. My family are also extremely wonderful. My mum, my dad and my brother, even though I don't live with or near any of them anymore, they are a phone call away and always keen for that all important chat. My love to them all.