Sunday, September 9, 2007

The good days and the bad

The week that has just ended was a pretty big week. I started the week with no voice. I lost my voice from being out on the previous Saturday night. It was a late night and the next day... no voice. I took the morning off work on Monday. It was also the week of my birthday so I was out almost everynight, I even skipped my two evening classes at Uni because I was taken out. I also had the most incredible sinus pain beginning Monday. I'm booked in for a sinus operation on the 23rd of October so until then my sinus' might flare up giving my striking headaches and pain in my nose. Despite the pain I still went out, my nose dripping like a tap. My voice started to come back on Wednesday which was a relief becasue I had to present a radio show on Wednesday afternoon and Thursday morning, the day of my birthday. This weekend I have been so run down and lethargic. It didn't help me that on Friday the pharmacy at the hospital was closed for the apec public holiday and I had run out of medication. Since then I have had to take it pretty easy, no going out and no drinking. Instead I have been cramped up in the house with the cat. I'm at the point where I really need some medicine. I can only wait til tomorrow morning when I'll have to go to the pharmacy early before I start work at 10am to get my medicines. I hope I'll be feeling a bit better this time tomorrow night.